Thursday, October 20, 2016


Along with chorea and speech issues, there has been an up-take in MW's distrust and overall irritation towards me. Nothing as significant as when she accused me of trying to poison her, but I credit that to the fact that I've been extremely cautious lately. No more soapy dishes and everything gets put back in place. Nevertheless, even though all her food is prepared correctly and there are no items laying around that could possibly present a tripping or toppling danger, MW will dig through the trash to lay eyes on every piece of junk mail I throw away and on more than one occasion she's followed me when I've gone to the bathroom to ensure I don't make any unannounced detours around the house. In truth, I do sneak around and clean things when MW is not paying attention - she won't let me otherwise - so having her shadow me with the fish-eye is making things difficult around Casa Muncie.

Also, on a daily basis now, MW will pick a political fight with me. No matter how I try to deflect the issue, she will fly into a rage over how weak and useless I am because I don't support her candidate. Truthfully, I don't support or not-support either of them. I could care less. As I like to say, I've got the kind of problems money can't solve. However, because each day brings a new political "bombshell", MW has plenty of ammunition to use against me. She'll hear about some perceived outrage towards her candidate or egregious corruption of the opponent and stew over it until she explodes because I don't care as much as I should.

Over the past few weeks I've been routinely called an elitist, a wimp, an America hater, even a traitor and MW let's me know often and in no uncertain terms how much she "hates people" like me.

In retrospect, I should have registered which would have enabled me to at least lie about who I would vote for; but I just couldn't bring myself to make the effort. And I know it wouldn't have made a difference anyway. I can't possibly match MW's boundless fervor - good Lord I haven't the stamina! - so I try my best to defuse these situations. It's hard, though, because showing calm in the face of MW's fury only seems to add more fuel to that fire; and on a couple of occasions it has stopped just short of physical violence.

I will be so fucking glad when this stupid election is over. Yes, I'll take some hits afterwards, especially when her candidate loses, and even then I'm sure something else will come along, but at least there's a chance that whatever's next might be more manageable; not as persistent. 

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