Friday, July 8, 2016


Last week MW cut her toe, nobody is quit sure how, but when I was helping her remove the Band-aid, I had a thought that I might keep it, send it to a lab, and have them analyze the blood for HD; not to confirm the condition - that ship has sailed - but to find out her repeat number.

Yeah, I know it doesn't really matter, but I'm intensely curious. I understand the mutation tends to be worse on subsequent generations, and I remember during the early stages of my mother-in-law's HD journey it seemed like somebody tossed her off a cliff. From walking, to wheelchair, to bedridden in three blinks of an eye. 

Of course time was different back then. We were young. Life moved fast. Nevertheless, I've been writing this journal for almost three years now - three - waiting for MW to go over that same cliff, but no. There she is on the ridge, still pacing back and forth.

In keeping with the analogy, when I'm around, I can walk with her, try to steer her away from the edge; sometimes it seems more like dragging than steering, but we're functioning. Its when I'm not at home....

A few days ago I called MW to pick me up from the bus stop. This is our normal routine as she will not let me drive a car. She insists on dropping me off/picking me up. Anyway, she didn't answer. Half an hour, an hour; no answer. You can imagine the dire thoughts crowding my mind. There are no friends or family I can call for help; so should I call the cops? Is it really 911 if your wife hasn't picked up the phone for an hour?

Eventually, MW calls my cell. Turns out she just fell asleep and didn't hear the ringing.

What a relief!

Then, when we get home, there's a terrible burnt smell all through the house and she admits that she fell asleep with something cooking on the stove.


Okay, no big deal. Mistakes happen. Let's just keep strolling along the edge. 

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