Tuesday, February 4, 2014


I’m a problem solver. That’s my job. I’m the one they call upon at the office when things need to get done quickly and correctly. I take pride in the fact that I can find, effect, or fake a solution to just about any problem thrown my way.

Which is why this situation with MW and HD is so goddamned agonizing. I’ve done the research, I’ve approached it from every angle, I’ve gone over all possible outcomes in my mind, and I keep coming up fucked. It’s pretty bad when “murder/suicide” finds a place on the short list of feasible solutions.
I’ve been reading blogs by and about other people suffering from HD. Pathetic, I know. Misery loves company and all that. I blanch at the ones where thy fall back on religion as both an explanation and a comfort.
How do they do that?
I would like to know because the specter of alcoholism looms in my immediate future and if there was a way to subvert it I would. With God?
One of MW’s cousins – one whose own mother is now showing signs of the disease – grew up in a fabulously religious house. Church, praise-and-worship, the whole shebang. You know the type; always praying those bullshit logorrhea prayers where every other word is “father”.
E.G.: “Thank you our father for all you’ve given us father and bless everybody father all our family father and friends and even our pets father whom you’ve given us as comfort father in our lives father and our family overseas lord bless them father even though they aren’t in our zip code father and for those who couldn’t be here father because they have the flu father….”
Okay, I was raised Catholic: “Bless us Lord” and get on with business.
Anyway, this cousin has fallen from the church. A big surprise given how important the church was throughout his childhood. When asked why, he replied that he couldn’t believe in a God that would allow for something like HD.
Right. Except as a Catholic, I can believe in such a God. A fucking cunt God who judges and condemns. Baptists with their “but he gave his only son for us” jive. Yeah, okay. But don’t you think it pisses him off he had to in the first place?
Hey, there you go. At least I’m not an atheist.

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